How to prevent muscular pain
Most of us never exercise in any shape or form — to be honest we do not have the time — running here and there, keeping the business going, school runs, catching the bus, its nonstop, and the days just slip by.
Once a year we get a reminder in the post or by text or email to say that the N.C.T. is due and then we have to chop and change to make sure we can fit it in or else we will have no car. Oh yes, we may have to get it serviced at that time as well, because if we don’t then some morning our car will come to a standstill.
But yet we never think of our body’s NCT or the 10,000 service.
Our bodies are our engines and we must take care of them. It’s no use waiting till they break down.
Our legs, arms, wrists, bums, knees and lower legs are constantly working from once we awake in the morning until we go to bed at night.
We should be getting a deep tissue massage at least once a month, followed by a programme which includes some strengthening exercises.
Doing all these things, even on a small scale, will keep our muscles flexible and strong and help to prevent some injuries.
If you cannot get to do this, then it would be good to have a good stretch first thing in the morning for three to four minutes. Swing your arms and bring up your knees. These are some simple things you can do, that do not involve heavy power lifting. At first, make sure to take it easy, please do not overdo it, as little is good.
Our diet is also very important to fuel our bodies. Drink plenty fluids, at least eight glasses of water a day.
Eat fruit every day, as well as greens, and reduce your caffeine intake.
It is also important to take a good multi-vitamin supplement as processed foods which most of us eat is lacking in essential minerals and vitamins.
There are times when we cannot prevent injury, however, if we have been taking care of our bodies, then the healing process should be much faster.
At our Limerick and Galway clinics we provide deep tissue massage to help prevent muscular pain.
If you would like to find out more, please contact us.
Limerick Clinic: 061 305 999
Galway Clinic: 085 108 6145